Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Story of Courtship..

My New Hope Life Group is AMAZING!!

We are a wonderful, God loving, real bunch of folks. I feel at home with them and them with me. They are such beautiful people on the inside and out. They bless me and I hope I bless them. They are awesome.

During our last group meeting I challenged them to tell me of a time they were romantically courted or courted someone. I wanted to examine the type of passion we employ when we’re chasing after someone versus our initiative when seeking God. Nearly everyone gave such an account during their lifetime, however in the interest of time we had to end the meeting before I gave my testimony.I always try to not ask others what I won’t do of myself, so here goes..

Picture it... August of 1992.

It was the summer of my high school graduation and I met a nice young girl in the bookstore. We had a nice conversation or two and things were going well. Unfortunately things took a turn at my grandmother’s locale and I was forced to move back with my mother. Due to personal issues my mom could not hold a job and therefore lived on the pittance she received from her separation from the military. This meant that she lived without much in the way of convenience, including a phone or car. Since I didn’t earn much money I had few resources on hand to take her out or even call to hear her voice. Surprisingly enough she was still willing to give it a shot and I was already in love with this young lady (teenager-dom... sheesh). So to court this young lady I had to make the most of my resources. I managed to get friends to help me out with rides, but to communicate I had to go to an outdoor payphone.

I know those are almost non-existent now, but back then they were at every gas station, and that’s where I had to go to place a call. Since I didn’t have a car I’d ride my 2nd hand bike down the highway and call her every day. Much to the gas station manager’s chagrin I was there almost every day for the next nine months regardless of the weather, taking the time to call my true love. It ultimately ended due to her seduction by a pretty boy with a car, but I will never forget the feelings I had for her.

Put in context of our spiritual message, I have never been more committed to another human being in my entire life. I didn't have much, but she received the best of me. She was just a young girl from the country, but she is nothing compared to the love of Jesus Christ. I enjoyed her warmth and kisses but she couldn’t care for me the way our Lord can. I am glad the Lord kept me until I found him. I can’t say a woman at the time would have done the same.

We as Christians need to worship not because it feels good because like my relationship no matter how what our sacrifice and good intentions, it won’t work if it’s purely done for feeling. Feelings fade like the ink phone number you jotted down on your hand for memory. Dating is indeed a contract based on the feeling. You do it as long as it feels good. God doesn't need us. His love is ever enduring. He won’t ever stop loving us or even taking a break. He will however, forgive us for our shortcomings. We as Believers should try to do the same, but be thankful for a forgiving God!


  1. How sweet.. And thank you for sharing .I wonder if it was the connection that made the ride to the gas station worth while.. Had she not been on the other end would you try? A person with God has to see with spirit eyes to see all that He gives... These eyes when trained help us to see others hearts when they are truly giving not as the world says to give but as the Lord says

  2. Thanks for sharing a big piece of yourself....
